Detailed description of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Modalities

  • Acupuncture

    Thin, disposable, sterile needles are thoughtfully placed throughout the body. This stimulates energy pathways and healing which helps with pain. Needles are left in place for 15-30 minutes and you may feel a tingling heavy sensation. Acupuncture may be performed by needles, electrical, or auricular ear stimulation.

  • Cupping

    Glass, silicone, or plastic suction cups are chosen for individual need. Placing cups in strategic areas help move blood, qi and helps release obstructions in musculoskeletal and energetic pathways. Cupping can be medium or tight suction, stationary or moved along the back. Cupping may leave discolouration or bruising of the skin which heals after a few days to a week. Cupping is particularly effective for musculoskeletal concern, removing obstructions, and alleviating cold symptoms.

  • Guasha

    Guasha is a traditional east asian healing technique. Unidirectional press stroking is performed to raise therapeutic petechiae in the area. This leaves a redness on the skin which is an extravasation into the subcutaneous. This allows the area to be flushed and healed with our bodies innate healing system. Guasha is a effective treatment for anyone with musculoskeletal injury, inflammation or pain.

  • TDP Lamp

    33 minerals in the lamp produce a infrared heat easily absorbed by the body. This aids in blood circulation promoting healing in damaged tissue, reducing inflammation and decreasing pain. The lamp is located 12 inches away from the skin and left on for 15 minutes for therapeutic results. The TDP lamp warms up cold patients, and improves overall wellbeing and energy.

  • Auricular Therapy

    The ear corresponds to the whole body in Chinese Medicine. Therefore, various conditions and symptoms may be treated by stimulating the ear. Adding ear seeds or small thin ear needles are used to stimulate these points. People can rub the seeds on their own to help alleviate symptoms. Auricular acupuncture is a evidence based medicine which treats pain, addiction, decreases inflammation, endocrine disorders, depression, migraine, insomnia, and obesity.

  • Tiger Moxa

    Moxibustion is a technique from Ancient China that complements acupuncture. This therapy includes burning mugwort, a herb to facilitate healing. Tiger Moxa is a smokeless indirect therapy that warms the acupuncture point though gentle heat. Needling the point and applying tiger moxa provides a deeper stimulation to enhance the healing effect. This therapy is useful to warm up cold patients, reduce pain, and improve energy.

  • Plum Blossom

    Is a technique that uses an instrument having a flexible handle attached to a plastic head with 7 small needles. This technique is very effective for any skin irritations like eczema, psoriasis, rashes or itchy dry skin. It is effective in treating painful areas, releasing cold symptoms or draining heat from the body. By tapping the area to the patient’s tolerance, this helps move obstructed qi and blood which needs to be released.

  • TCM Nutritional Guidance

    Chinese Medicine nutrition guidance is formulated for you. Your constitution, season and consultation findings will identify the best food to help you. Food is what makes qi and energy flow which impacts how the body functions. This guidance is for anyone who struggles with their weight or eating habits, or wants to improve their overall health.